Building recovery capital

We partner with local authorities, social enterprises and charities, using our evidenced based, person centric services, building recovery capital and measuring the impact of our services on reducing the risk of harm caused by substance misuse.
We are embedded in service, along side the recovery teams, delivering our one to one program, focusing on client's personal growth and journey to thriving
We support client after care - preparing for and supporting client’s transition out of service into community
We complement psychosocial interventions - giving momentum and propelling clients through their recovery journeys, accelerating positive service and wider systems outcomes and enhancing current treatment plans

Program results

Individual outcomes
Percentage increase in the personal indictors required to move forward and thrive, before and after TastingColours program
Impact of individual change on lifestyle choices
Percentage of clients engaging in positive lifestyle choices 3 - 6 months and 6 months + post TastingColours

Impact on service outcomes
Percentage of clients achieving CGL service outcomes 3 - 6 months and 6 months + post TastingColours intervention
Impact on national measures
Percentage change in NDTMS data - National Drug Treatment Monitoring System